Lisa's Story - Walking in Kingdom Ways

From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Matthew 4:17

Years ago, I began to pray, Lord, let me see what the Kingdom looks like, every day!

I started to meet people who needed to meet Jesus. Not meet him in a church meeting, or even a prayer room, but needed to experience God with skin on.

And Jesus, he preached repentance. We tend to think of it as coming to Jesus, confessing our sins, receiving forgiveness and being redeemed. But what if repenting is simply what the biblical definition is-change your mind and think higher.

When I prayed for Kingdom here, I found myself encountering people who needed a touch from Jesus. Not words and a sermon, not a song and a prayer, but a moment in time where Jesus walked in the room through me.

That’s where higher thinking comes in. When I realized the Kingdom of heaven is near, or at hand, as some translations put it, I think now, Jesus was talking to me. The church goer, the one who wants to follow God, who loves God, even, but because of low thinking, needed to be reminded to think higher and realize the Kingdom of heaven is here.

So when I realized that Kingdom is people who walk and talk like Jesus, as if they were Jesus, who moved in this world with Father and Holy Spirit, then I was able to see Kingdom.

I had the love, compassion and boldness to step out and speak to those who I saw hurting. I could pray for the sick and the weary. I could pay for the groceries for a lady who looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders and in her mind and see her head lift. I could walk into the store and see the glow of someone who loved Jesus and we smiles and knew that we were in the same family of God.

All of a sudden, because I realized heaven is here, I could be different, think different, talk different, pray different, be different.

So, the other day, when I was out and about with my friend Tracy, at the RE-STORE store in Omaha, a store that takes donations to help fund Habitat for Humanity, I saw a servant. He was an employee of the store. This man was so kind and helpful and his heart to help people was evident from the word go.

So, when he mentioned he had a pain that was bothering him, I spoke up for Kingdom and said Can Tracy and I pray for you? We asked him his name, asked about the pain and began to pray, first myself and then Tracy. I asked if he felt anything as we prayed, any change. He was visibly moved, and experienced in that moment, the Kingdom here! He encountered the love of God, the compassion of Jesus, and the presence of Holy Spirit.

He even asked us to pray for a friend of his who had some serious physical needs and so we did. As we moved on, he found us again expressing his thanks for a couple of great discount coupons and we moved on with our day.

I learned later, that the frequency and vibrations of God are in everything around us. The light is in each atom, each cell of our being, and when Jesus comes near, we know it, we feel it, we hear it, we sense it and we rejoice in it!

Thank you, Lord that Kingdom is near, we just need to walk like it is.

Prayer: I repent, Lord, from small thinking, from shrinking thinking and I step out to move in Kingdom love, brilliance and power. Help me live in Kingdom ways daily and without hesitation to bring your Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. I love you, Lord and give myself to you the way you gave yourself to me.

Amen and Amen

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